Applying to Your Major/Minor

McKenna Hall entrance

Consistent with its mission, SPU’s School of Business, Government, and Economics admits students to its majors and minors on the basis of academic achievement, personal character, leadership potential, and record of service.

Entering a Major in the School of Business, Government, and Economics

The AccountingBusiness Administration, and Economics programs admit students on a quarterly basis. Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for complete information on how and when to apply to these programs and what you must do to complete them.

You may enter the Political Science or PPE major during your first quarter at SPU. Entrance after your first quarter requires only good academic standing (2.0 or higher SPU cumulative GPA). Consult the Undergraduate Catalog (Political Science) (PPE) for complete information on how and when to enter and what you must do to complete the program.   

New Majors Dessert

Once you are admitted to a major in the School of Business, Government, and Economics, you will be invited to attend the annual New Majors Dessert. This event serves as a celebration and orientation for all new majors and is typically held in February. Keep an eye on your SPU email for an official invitation.

All new Accounting, Business, Economics, Global Development, and PPE majors are required to attend. It is optional, but strongly encouraged, for new Political Science majors.

Application to SBGE Minors

Consult the undergraduate catalog for information about entering minors in the School of Business, Government, and Economics. If you still have questions regarding minors in SBGE, email Dr. Charlotte Qu at

Direct Admission

A select group of highly qualified students are offered direct admission to the School of Business, Government, and Economics upon acceptance to Seattle Pacific University. Direct admission is administered by SPU's Office of Undergraduate Admissions based upon criteria set by SBGE.

Incoming freshmen should identify their intended SBGE major on their application for admission to SPU, and they will automatically be considered for direct admission.

If you will be a freshman and identify your intended SBGE major when applying for admission to SPU, your declaration of interest does not commit you to a major within the School of Business, Government, and Economics. It assures you that an advisor from within the school will be assigned to you, and you’ll receive information about various School activities.

Transfer students who have completed 90 college-level credits or an approved direct transfer degree with a minimum cumulative college-level GPA of 3.0 in both general coursework and prerequisites, plus the completion of two lower-division core courses within their intended SBGE major may be considered for direct admission when they apply to SPU.

Direct admission is highly competitive. For more information, please consult with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions

SBGE Student Travis

Academic All-American

Travis Swallow, Accounting and Business Administration double major, was named an Academic All-American for the second year in a row for his abilities on the pitch and in the classroom.

Social Venture Plan Competition

SBGE students compete in the 16th annual Social Venture Plan Competition, which has awarded $173K in prize money to student entrepreneurs since the competition began.